Women in Science at Duquesne University
Mission Statement:
The WIS@DU forum is designed to promote and support women in basic, applied and health sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics at Duquesne University. The goals of WIS@DU are as follows:
Recognize Duquesne University women in science for their scientific, teaching and community achievements.
Advocate for women’s issues in STEM fields at Duquesne University and in the broader community.
Identify positive strategies for women at all professional stages to navigate successful STEM and health sciences careers.
Provide a strong network of women in science willing to support and serve as role models for undergraduate, graduate students and their faculty peers.
Key Actions:
Meet twice per semester (6 times a year) to discuss professional and personal development as well as provide networking opportunities for women in the Duquesne University science community.
Meetings will involve:
Seminars by keynote speakers on relevant issues
Inspiring stories highlighting the career paths of Duquesne University female faculty members
Informative workshops and round-table discussion forums
Opportunities to network and explore STEM and health sciences opportunities for women at all stages in their career
Allyson O’Donnell, Department of Biological Sciences, Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences (odonne15@duq.edu)
Jelena Janjic, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mylan School of Pharmacy (janjicj@duq.edu)
Rachael Miller Neilan, Mathematics and Computer Science, McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts (millerneilanr@duq.edu)
Jennifer Aitken, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences (aitkenj@duq.edu)
Fatiha Benmokhtar, Department of Physics, Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences (benmokhtarf@duq.edu)
Graduate students
Jackie Shane, Department of Biological Sciences, BSNES (shanej@duq.edu)
Khushbu Shah, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mylan (shahk@duq.edu)
Cassandra Hanley, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, BSNES (hanleyc@duq.edu)